George Fotiadis
The record of Lesser Prespa flora and vegetation is of high importance for the determination of the management actions that can take place for the conservation of biodiversity and consequently for the fishes and birds of the area, which is the purpose of the project LIFE15 NAT/GR/000936 Prespa Waterbirds. The purpose of the present research was to identify the most important areas/locations for the flora and the vegetation in parts of the littoral zone of Lake Lesser Prespa where management actions can take place for the conservation of birds without compromising its value for plants and vegetation types. The results of the study showed that where the reedbeds had been managed (by cutting or grazing) plant diversity and the diversity of vegetation types had been higher than in areas/sites where management was absent. In the latter sites the vegetation types (i.e. reedbeds) were dominated by only one species i.e. Phragmites australis or Typha spp.).The most important areas identified (where reedbeds must be kept out of management ) were few and were located around spots covered with vegetation belonging to the habitat type “Natural euthrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition-type vegetation” (code 3150) around which reedbeds form rings protecting them from the destructive action of waves. Furthermore, reedbeds shuld be maintained unmanaged at those spots where their role of filtering drainage waters coming from the cultivated fields is crucial.
Φωτιάδης, Γ., 2017. Καταγραφή χλωριδικής ποικιλότητας της Μικρής Πρέσπας. Αναφορά στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος « LIFE Prespa Waterbirds» (LIFE15 NAT/GR/000936). Εταιρία Προστασίας Πρεσπών.