18 Nov 2021
While the cycle of wetland management with vegetation mowing in the littoral zone has been completed, work continues with the monitoring of these areas, the results of which will give direction to next year’s management work.
15 Nov 2021
Last week the Society for the Protection of Prespa hosted a two-day meeting with the participants of the "SOS Skadar lake-Keeping the Montenegrin Wilderness Wild" project for the protection and management of the transboundary Skadar/Shkodra Lake (Montenegro-Albania), which is being implemented by the Montenegrin environmental organisation CZIP.
11 Nov 2021
The PrespaNet partners strengthened cross-border co-operation by working together to map and assess wetland habitats in Prespa, producing a transboundary plan for how to protect these vitally important places for the first time.