09 May 2019
The 2nd meeting of the Transboundary Wetland Management Technical Group (TWMTG) was carried out on Tuesday in Prespa, with the participation of representatives from the national parks and the protected areas of the Prespa basin, as well as environmental NGOs, working for the conservation of the area. During the meeting, a review of the management and monitoring activities implemented under the LIFE - Prespa Waterbirds project was presented, as well as the respective planning for this year. The representatives from Albania and North Macedonia also presented the developments regarding wetland management planning and monitoring in the respective national parks and the protected areas in the transboundary territory of the Prespa basin. The aims of TWMTG meetings, which will continue through the LIFE Prespa Waterbirds projects on an annual basis, include the exchange of information and expertise and the coordination of efforts amongst the members of the TWMTG, in order to further enhance the active transboundary collaboration for wetland management in the transboundary Prespa basin.