Training seminar in the framework of the

27 Feb 2020

The training seminar held in the framework of LIFE project "Pelican Way of LIFE" at Prespa on 25 & 26 February was attended by scientific and technical staff from the Bulgarian Ornithological Society (BSPB) and the Persina Nature Park Directorate in Bulgaria, from the Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR), from the Hellenic Ornithological Society and the Management Bodies of Amvrakikos Gulf - Lefkada and Mesollonghi lagoon – Akarnanika mountain. The aim of the seminar was to educate participants on the use of common monitoring methods and protocols for the monitoring of Dalmatian pelicans. Instructors of the seminar were Dr. Giorgos Catsadorakis and Dr. Olga Alexandrou from the SPP. Participants were trained, inter alia, in the identification and ageing of the Dalmatian pelican, in the various methods of monitoring pelicans both at their breeding colonies and wintering sites, in trapping, handling, ringing, fitting of transmitters, in data recording and writing of relevant reports. The presentations were structured interactively in an effort to involve participants as much as possible so that they would provide their feedback and their relevant concerns and difficulties. The seminar was hosted at the SPP premises in Lemos and a short field trip was also organized to observe the Prespa pelican colony from a good vantage point. Demonstration of equipment, such as transmitters, wing tags, plastic rings and traps also took place during the seminar.


Training seminar in the framework of the Training seminar in the framework of the